It is an entirely voluntary initiative of doctors, whose sole objective is to work for medical excellence in Cameroon. If you are a “THESARD(E)”, a volunteer doctor member of “JURY” or a curious “simple free listener”, the following information will interest you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to comed@medcamer.org (object: “Medslide“)


We have been organizing “PhDs Week” for 3 years now, for medical students. We listen to them, and together we improve the quality of their work. Participants receive the “how to make a good presentation” course by email, providing valuable help with the layout of their slides.


Do you want to do your Pre-defense in person (on site) or in Webinar (online)? Carefree. We offer you both possibilities, taking into account the physical or virtual availability of the jury members who will be present to improve your work with you.



This will come as close as possible to the requirements, if possible with specialists in your field of research: pediatrics, internal medicine and specialties, public health, cancerology, etc. After Yaoundé on July 29 and 31, 2020, the MEDSLIDE team will be in Douala on August 14, voluntarily helping young students, future doctors, to practice during a pre-defense.


For this year2020:

  • Yaoundé on the 29 to the 31 July 2020
  • Douala on the 14 august 2020
  • Webinar on the 29 to the 31 Juillet 2020, 14 Août 2020


A breakdown of participants by date, time and location (location of the physical pre-defense location or Webinar) will be available here (click) 48 hours before the pre-defense date.

To facilitate the work of the JURY, students provide no later than 48 hours before the pre-defense date by here (click) :

  1. PhD student’s first and last name Thesis title Name of directors (with emails). They will be informed of our action and will receive a copy of our summary after discussion with you. Thesis summary

The course “how to make a beautiful PPT presentation” »

  • It will be sent to you by email upon receipt of your thesis summary.
  • Use it to improve your presentation for the pre-defense

For JURY members

You applied to be a member of the jurylien (cliquez)

  • This link (click) allows you to enter your availability for days, hours, face-to-face or webinar Communicate your availability and status via the link (click) no later than 4 days before the pre-defense date. A breakdown of the JURYS by city, date, time and place (location of the physical location of the pre-defense or Webinar) will be available here (click) no later than 48 hours before the pre-defense date. A student evaluation grid is available for each participant via the link (click).


You want to listen to the doctoral students and the juries, no problem. Read the section below “Other practical information”



  • Are done on PowerPoint Each student has 15 minutes for their presentation, then 10 minutes of interaction with the jury and 5 minutes for setup between two students.


  • The physical presentation locations, times and dates are/will be available here (click) no later than 48 hours before the pre-defense date. Given the large number of participants, the presence of all doctoral students during the daytime session is requested. Theses with similar themes can thus have similar inputs, without the need for repetition from one thesis to another.

Webinar presentation ici (cliquez)

  • Les salles de soutenance en wébinaire seront disponibles au plus tard 12h avant la date de pré-soutenance
  • The webinar program is available here (click) no later than 48 hours before the pre-defense date. The Microsoft TEAMS platform will be used for the sessions
  • You can present online from your computer (preferably) or from your smartphone
  • We already recommend that you download or test (and see the compatibility of your device) the application via the TEAMS link (click)
  • The webinar defense rooms will be available no later than 12 hours before the pre-defense date.


  • Given the large number of participants, the presentations will start on time. It is IMPERATIVE to be present on site and in the room 30 minutes before the start of the pre-defense A waiting time of no more than 5 minutes will be tolerated. Beyond that, the student will be considered absent. In case of absence, it is imperative to send an email to comed@medcamer.org (subject “Withdrawal of Participation – Your Name”) no later than 12 hours before the pre-defense date.

We are already looking forward to your participation Join us on MEDCAMER, the New Generation of Doctors (NGM) Join MEDCAMER and become a member of the NGM