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CITSa honors 3 Professors of Medicine

In the nebulous galaxy that constitutes medicine they were and are milky ways… To brave the pitfalls, the winds and the waves which mark the path towards the acquisition of the knowledge inherent to the practice of medicine, they have been and are beacons which still today mark the path of young people and enlighten them. . They remain models of integrity which, like an orthonormal benchmark, allow those who have their gaze fixed on them, not to go astray and to always practice with the greatest efficiency this art which they have hoisted by the strength of their abilities, on the original pedestal on which Hippocrates had placed them… The Conference

Interdisciplinary and Transversal Health Conference (CITSa) , whose theme of its 3rd congress focuses on “the interconnections between infectious diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases « marks a point of honor in paying tribute to the greatness of 3 Cameroonian personalities and academics, known and recognized internationally for their scientific work :

  • Le Professeur Lazare KAPTUE, Professeur de Médecine Interne, Hématologie et Immunologie
  • Le Professeur Jean-Claude MBANYA, Professeur de Médecine Interne et Endocrinologie
  • Le Professeur Samuel KINGUE, Professeur de Médecine Interne et Cardiologie

En hommage à leur parcours scientifique et universitaire, en raison de l’impact qu’ils ont eu et auront sur de nombreuses carrières de médecins au Cameroun et dans la diaspora, pour l’exemple qu’ils représentent pour les générations passées, actuelles et futures, le comité d’organisation CITSa 2021 a décidé que les salles d’audience au cours du congrès porteraient les noms « salle KAPTUE, salle MBANYA, salle KINGUE ».

Pendant le congrès CITSa 2021, une biographie de chacune de ces personnalités sera exposée et disponible devant chaque auditorium.

Professor Samuel KINGUE, MD; Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology; Professor of cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Head of the cardiology department of the General Reference Hospital of Yaoundé; more than 160 publications in scientific journals and books. He held the position of Director of Human Resources and is currently Technical Advisor L1 at MINSANTE. Former President of the Cameroon Society of Cardiology, now Honorary President, he is currently President of the Association of Cardiologists of West and Central Africa.

CITSa 2021, placed under the patronage of the Ministry of health,  will take place in person and webinar in douala from october 14 to 16, 2021 at the hotel la falaise in bonanjo. This edition will have the theme: “from infectious diseases to chronic non–communicabe diseases: Updated interconnectionss »

Professeur Lazare KAPTUE, de regrettée mémoire, MD, Professeur de Médecine interne et Hématologie; Professeur agrégé d’hématologie, immunologie et maladie du sang. Il a près de 100 publications dans les revues scientifiques. Il a été Directeur de la santé et inspecteur général au ministère de la santé publique. Il possède un Brevet d’invention suite à la découverte par son laboratoire du groupe O du Vih1. Il est Co-fondateur de l’Université des Montagnes qui a sortie plus de 1600 diplômés de médecine à ce jour. Il est aussi à l’origine de la Création et animation du Comité National d’Éthique en 1987.

Professor Jean-Claude MBANYA, MD, PhD, MRCP (UK), FRCP (London), FCAS, FTWAS; Professor of Medicine and Endocrinology. He is Chief of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Unit, Director of National Obesity Centre at the Central Hospital, Yaoundé. He is Postgraduate Dean of the Doctoral School of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences at University of Yaoundé. Furthermore, he is Dean of College of Biological Sciences of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences, Honorary President of the International Diabetes Federation, Instrumental in the international advocacy efforts for diabetes and non-communicable diseases at the United Nations. He has authored several books, 3 textbooks  and 33 book chapters and published over 248 papers peer-reviewed journals and articles. He is Member of several WHO advisory and expert groups.

Professor Samuel KINGUE, MD; Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology; Professor of cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Head of the cardiology department of the General Reference Hospital of Yaoundé; more than 160 publications in scientific journals and books. He held the position of Director of Human Resources and is currently Technical Advisor L1 at MINSANTE. Former President of the Cameroon Society of Cardiology, now Honorary President, he is currently President of the Association of Cardiologists of West and Central Africa.

CITSa 2021, placed under the patronage of the Ministry of health,  will take place in person and webinar in douala from october 14 to 16, 2021 at the hotel la falaise in bonanjo. This edition will have the theme: “from infectious diseases to chronic non–communicabe diseases: Updated interconnectionss »


If you would like to join us and be a partner, contact us: ; orange +237 6 91 15 40 41 et MTN +237 6 78 91 80 71

All information on  CITSa and its activities hereici

Registration Link: register here on our OXFORD ABSTRACTS platform
Submission of abstracts: post your abstracts here
Scientific program : consult the scientific program here


